
An app for couples that have difficulty picking a restaurant fairly. Created as a participant in the Software Engineering Super League
It take two accounts to create an outing.
username: sample1 password: test
username: sample2 password: test
Tech used
React | Material UI | Django backend

A shopping list app designed to learn how often you buy items and keep you organized. Created as a participant in the Collab Lab
Tech used
React | Firebase | TailwindCSS

A tool for crafty users to find the daily high temperatures for a given US city in a particular year.
Tech used
React | NextJS | TailwindCSS

This script will allow a user to create a professional README file from the command line.
Tech used
JavaScript | NodeJS | Inquirer

A community toolshed application that provides neighbors a platform to list tools they have available and to borrow tools from one another.
Tech used
JavaScript | Node.js | MySQL | Handlebars | Nodemailer | Materialize

When a user needs a pick-me-up, they are presented with the option to either get a random pick-me-up or select from three choices: a dad joke, an inspirational quote, or an interesting fact.
Tech used
HTML | JavaScript | CSS

A tutorial that explains how a specific regular expression, or regex, functions by creating a regex for valid Dutch postal codes, breaking down each part of the expression, and describing what it does.
Tech used
JavaScript | Markdown
While I have left the high school chemistry classroom, I will always be a teacher. That part of me has influenced my wish to collaborate on a team of like-minded folks committed to creating applications and experiences for learners and information seekers who want to make the web, and world, a more beautiful and accessible place.
That drive also led me to two amazing communities from whom I have learned so much and to which I am happy to volunteer:
I'm proud to serve as a board member of The Collab Lab and to coordinate The Career Lab, a two-week session offered to participants once they complete the eight-week project.
I love to assist in the coordination of Friday Lunch & Learns for Virtual Coffee, an online community of and for developers.
In 2023 I became a Certified Scrum Master because the values and princples of Agile are a perfect fit for my need for collaboration, communication, reflection, and productivity. It just makes such good sense.

When I'm not coding or building community, you'll find me crocheting, walking my dog, or visiting one of Georgia's phenomenal state or local parks. And I do mean phenomenal. Keep scrolling for the spectacular picture I took with my phone last fall at Gibbs Gardens.
Note: The links above are underlined intentionally. Current design trends may discourage it, but underlined links are important for accessibility and inclusion.
"Underline your links, underline your links, underline your links."-Nic Steenhout

Most recently an Associate Software Developer at Rightpoint, I worked with React, TypeScript, and Node.js in a huge codebase. I wrote scripts to automate tasks and save developers' time, and have written code to customize list virtualization when no existing JavaScript library would work out-of-the-box. In February I became BigCommerce certified.

Throughout my teaching career, I have honed my communication and problem-solving skills, as well as my ability to work in a team. These skills translate extremely well to software development teams, where collaboration and effective communication are essential. I have experience collaborating with remote teams around the world and am comfortable with tools such as JIRA. Additionally, I have experience with Agile methodologies, pair programming, reviewing pull requests, and providing constructive feedback to team members. Then there's tackling bug tickets. I love getting my Nancy Drew on to hunt down a glitch.
Tech used
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React | TypeScript | NextJS | Redux | NodeJS | MySQL | MongoDB | TailwindCSS | Cypress | Vue
Learning Vue
I met a very passionate Vue developer at a networking event in May and decided to try out a couple tutorials. While I have no plans to switch from React at the moment, I feel like Vue might be a lot more intuitive to learn.
Check out the silly thing I made if you need a laugh.
Tech: Vue 3, icanhazdadjoke API
Software Engineering Super League
In April I decided to step outside my comfort zone and join a coding competition. I 'battled' in Lighthall's first Software Engineering Super League and made it to Level 4 out of 5.
We were assigned to work in random teams and given from Monday to Friday each week to complete increasingly more difficult challenges. My teammates were in different time zones from New Mexico to Nigeria, taking final exams, and one even got married between weeks 2 and 3!
SESL Challenges
Week 4: Restuarant choosing app, modeled very loosely on Between-both users need an account. Tech: React, Django
Week 3: Classic hangman with a leaderboard and the ability to send a game link to a Tech: React, Django
Week 2: Task Tracker CRUD app that required login. This one was a two-person project. Tech: React, firebase
Vegan Ethiopian Feast
Made this amazing misir, gomen, and 'quick' injera. Took 90 minutes from prep to eating!

Jane's Mini Mocha Charlottes
This took FIVE hours from starting prep to clean up, but it was worth it!

Dan's Challah
I cannot believe I made this amazing bread! But since I took the picture, it must be true.

I made samosas for the first time last night. They're not pretty but they were DELICIOUS.

Temperature Blanket
PROGRESS PHOTO: I am super excited about this blanket, but I can't share any details because the person I'm making it for doesn't know yet.

Animal Crossing kept me happy and socializing with friends virtually in 2020 and I still love everything about it, especially the gyroids!